doTerra Consultant

Essential oils and numerous Health products.

doTerra Consultant

Essential oils and numerous Health products.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

DDR Prime heals at a cellular level

doTERRA's DDR Prime Essential Oil Cellular Complex is great for cellular repair, cellular regeneration and relieving inflammation. It heals the body at a cellular level.

DDR Prime contains frankincense, wild orange, lemongrass, thyme, summer savory, clove, andniaouli that have been shown in clinical studies to support cellular health and vitality. I recently read that read that when asked if he had to choose just one essential oil, Dr. Hill would choose DDR Prime hands down.

I've been reading a lot of amazing stories about the power of DDR Prime:
     One of my friends has been using Doterra’s oils on her little girl (5yr old) who has severe AUTISM. Recently she began using DDR Prime (a blend of doterra’s essential oils) along her spine and bottoms of her feet 2ce/day. The very first day, her little girl showed remarkable improvement…she brushed her teeth for the 1st time, making eye contact in the mirror. (This is huge!) 2 weeks later, this non-verbal child began speaking in sentences! At school she was asked to come down off a slide and she turned and said “I can’t do it!” Non-verbal, now is putting thoughts into sentences! -Melissa, FB
     So I sent my father the DDR Prime capsules. He suffers from severe neuropathy of the legs, which the doctors had told him will only get worse and worse. Nothing that can be done for this, no hope of improvement. Dad hasn't felt the bottoms of his feet for 9 years! ... After two months I was about to tell Dad to go ahead and stop taking it, when he suddenly told my mother that he has started to feel his feet! He didn't tell us for a few days because he wanted to be sure this was actually happening. IT IS HAPPENING!!! Any feeling he regains is a miracle...pure and simple...and he swears by the DDR Prime. - Kristen, FB
    I've been very impressed with the DDR prime liquid...I put it on J (who has autism) 2x a day....I've noticed increased communication and interest in fine motor activities...  - Kelly
    My sister in law uses it along with DDR prime (both diluted) on my 4 1/2 y/o autistic nephew. We have seen AMAZING results with him! We started noticing little improvements within days & within 3 weeks the difference was phenomenal! His school has even asked her about what she's using. It's like the oils unlocked everything that was in his brain! And he tolerates social/public situations soooo much better too!  She dilutes it with fractionated coconut oil in a roller bottle and puts them on his spine. At first he HATED it (sensory issue) but now he lets her put them on!- Kelly J.
    A client of mine uses DDR prime on feet and spine + InTune on feet daily for her autistic son. He now makes eye contact and speaks to people, where he wouldn't do that before - Tracy. 
    I am seeing great results with my ADHD daughter using DDR Prime. She is finally after many, many years doing well in school. - Shanna.
    • Read doTERRA Skeptic's blog for some stories about how DDR Prime helped an individual with neuropathy feel his feet again, an individual with Stage 4 cancer and another individual with cancer.
    • Sarah's husband who has post-traumatic stress syndrome was helped by taking DDR Prime (in addition to the Life Long Vitality supplements and some other oils).
    • Also read how DDR Prime has helped this family within two weeks of starting it (healing damage on shoulder blade from a car accident, and amazing changes in her 10 year old son).
    • Read how DDR Prime helped Kristy get off her thyroid medication.
    • Read how DDR Prime (in addition to Immortelle and helichrysum) helped a woman with stage 5 renal failure here.
    • Read how DDR Prime helped Sally with lyme disease here. 
      DDR Prime comes in a bottle or in capsule form, and the bottle contains  30 mL (i.e., it contains twice as much oil as most of the other doTERRA essential oil bottles).
      • For children, you can put it on their spine and the bottoms of their feet. 
      • For adults, you can take 8 drops twice a day, or 2 liquid capsules twice a day.
      For more information about DDR Prime:
      • read the Product Information page here. 
      • watch a 21 minute video of Dr. Hill and Justin Harrison discussing the benefits of DDR Prime, including preventing DNA damage, inducing apoptosis (i.e., helps damaged cells to be destroyed) and reducing oxidative stress below.

        For more essential oil remedies go to:


        1. The title of your article is very misleading- your video link does not work. I'd love to find evidence for DDR Prime but I'm having a difficult search. If you get your video to work, I'd love to watch it.

          1. Ina 2014 FDA removed a lot of stuff from the web. Maybe mr. Edwards has the video in his pc. On Europe FDA has no power. I'd like to see it. I'm making researches about that blend to write an article for my blog. It would be in italian, but you can translate it with google


        2. Also following. The link to the Lyme isn't a valid link and video doesn't work?

          has documentation at the end for a particular research on this product
